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Open-sourced, privacy-focused web browser Brave has more than 8 million monthly users, according to a new report. 

The Brave Browser, which operates the cryptoasset basic attention token (BAT), has eclipsed more than 8 million monthly users. According to the press release published on Brave’s website, the browser has surpassed more than 2.8 million daily users. In addition, the platform cites high user engagement in its ads, boasting a 14% click-through rate versus the industry average of 2%. 

Brave also claims to have more than 290,000 “verified publishers,” with 200,000 creators coming from YouTube, 33,000 being website publishers and an additional 15,000 beingTwitch streamers. The browser says that more than 28,000 unique Twitter accounts have registered for BAT rewards since they announced the integration of tweet-based tipping on Aug. 1, 2019. 

The release continues, claiming that users have been receptive to opt-in advertisements due to their transparency, 

Since Brave launched opt-in Brave Ads just over six months ago, we have seen a huge surge in partnerships. In the wake of privacy scandals, as well as GDPR and CCPA requirements becoming clear, leading agencies and brands want to transition to relevant, brand-safe, and privacy-friendly advertising. Brave Ads preserve users’ privacy, and reward them with 70% of the ad revenue.

Brave has accumulated more than 97 million ad confirmations across 385 campaigns. Brave also says that users are spending longer on advertisements, with 12% of click-throughs resulting in page visits of 10 seconds or longer. 

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