Gaming hardware manufacturer Razer has recently launched a cryptocurrency mining program that’s set to see gamers use their idle machines to mine, so they can be rewarded with a credit called Razer Silver, which will give them discounts on products.
According to Motherboard, gamers will be able to install a program called SoftMiner which uses their computers’ resources to mine crypto when they aren’t doing intensive tasks – like playing. The move comes after Razer partnered with gaming-centric platform GammaNow to reward users.
Have a gaming rig on idle at home? Here's a new way to score Razer Silver: launch Razer SoftMiner on your PC and start racking up Silver—one step closer to the reward you want, for doing nothing at all.
Check out Razer SoftMiner now:
— R Λ Z Ξ R (@Razer) December 12, 2018
The news outlet’s report clarifies Razer won’t be keeping any of the cryptos mined, but will receive a fee for getting its clients to mine for them, paid for by GammaNow, the one that’ll manage which cryptos the gamers mine. These will reportedly be ether and other tokens.
Kevin Allen, a Razer spokesperson, was quoted as saying:
The cryptocurrency that’s being mined through this program is not touching Razer’s hands nor the user’s hands. We get a fee from the third party for generating cryptocurrency.
Essentially, GammaNow is getting the cryptocurrencies gamers mine and will be rewarding them with Razer Silver credits, while paying Razer itself a fee for getting gamers to mine. Rewards earned through the SoftMiner program will depend on gamers’ machines, and Silver credits can also be earned through Razer Cortex, a performance-boosting app.
Notably, analysts have pointed out this is a bad deal for gamers, as they could be getting more by directly mining the cryptocurrencies themselves. This, as according to ZDNet the value of each Razer Silver credit is of $0.003, valid for only one year.
Some of the rewards Razer offers, like a $199.99 keyboard, are theoretically impossible to earn, the news outlet reports, as the firm itself notes gamers could earn, on average, up to 500 credits every 24 hours. Factoring in electricity costs and wear and tear, various gamers have used social media to express they believe the program won’t be helpful.