Robert F. Kennedy Jr. gave an important speech on August 23. During this speech, he announced that he was suspending his independent presidential campaign and endorsing former President Donald Trump. This announcement in Phoenix, Arizona, has garnered considerable attention due to the unexpected endorsement and implications for the 2024 U.S. presidential race.

In response to RFK Jr.’s speech, Cardano Co-Creator Charles Hoskinson took to social media platform X to share his thoughts. Hoskinson described the speech as “great” and filled with what he termed “deep, uncomfortable truths” about the state of the media, corporate influence in America, and the perceived undemocratic nature of the Democratic Party.

Hoskinson noted that RFK Jr. made a strategic move by endorsing Donald Trump in battleground states while remaining on the ballot in states where the outcome is more certain. Hoskinson said that he could still vote for Kennedy because he lived in a state that had already been decided. He emphasized that Trump is the only viable option for those in battleground states who see the race as a binary choice.

Hoskinson speculated that if Trump wins, RFK Jr. would likely play a role in his administration, which he believes would result in justice for the controversial COVID-19 policies and a pro-cryptocurrency stance for the United States. He hopes that this scenario will come to pass, contrasting it with what he views as a bleak alternative: a future marked by state-sponsored censorship, dominance by mega-corporations over U.S. policy, the destruction of the American cryptocurrency industry, and ongoing conflicts.

Hoskinson reiterated his belief that the U.S. government cannot be fixed solely through a presidential election and advocated for a constitutional convention as the only path forward. However, he also stated that a “unity government” involving Kennedy, Trump, and other like-minded individuals could help mitigate the negative outcomes he fears.

In his message, Hoskinson urged people to fight for the future and make the most of every advantage available. He likened the current global situation to a crossroads similar to the one faced in the 20th century, between totalitarianism and freedom. Hoskinson revealed that he has decided to support Trump and committed to working hard with a Trump administration to help heal the country if he is elected. Conversely, if Vice President Harris is elected, Hoskinson expressed his intent to focus on survival and thriving despite what he anticipates will be exclusion from any meaningful influence.

Hoskinson advised against placing trust in individuals, instead urging people to trust in ideas, principles, and systems of checks and balances. He warned against seeking a savior, advocating instead for a movement built on integrity and the humility to acknowledge mistakes. Finally, Hoskinson called for the establishment of a unity government as a step toward fixing the issues he sees in the country.